If you have a business in Browns Bay and fall within the Business Improvement District (BID) area, you will already have a profile on the new brownsbay.org.nz website within the business directory.
The website, provided by the Browns Bay Business Association, has the aim to drive visitors to the area and raise awareness of the shops, services and events available.
As a member you have the ability to edit your profile at any time. You can add any text you wish but there are additional areas for:
By keeping this up to date you can help improve your web presence and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) ratings which in turn brings more visitors to your website and ultimately more trade.
A few ideas of how you can engage with the Browns Bay website, further promote your business and help drive visitors to the area are:
Add your membership badge to your website and link to your company profile
Contact Joanne, the town manager for your badge.

List your events and promotions by sending these through to The Town Manager
Contact Joanne, the town manager with your events and promotions.

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