How to report emergencies and non-emergencies to NZ Police

The East Coast Bays is our local community, and we all have a shared responsibility to help keep each other safe. We know our neighbourhood better than anyone, which is why NZ Police encourages us to report suspicious or unusual individuals and activities. When to call 111 Phone this emergency number and ask for [...]

How to report emergencies and non-emergencies to NZ Police2019-07-01T23:51:02+12:00

50 years of business in the Bays

Recollections of Corinne and Adrianne Lawrence The Lawrence family have been local business owners for five decades. In 1966, George and Marilyn Lawrence bought their first home in Browns Bay to later raise their two daughters, Corinne and Adrianne. At this time they started Lawrence Trade Pressing, located where the Bays Club is today. [...]

50 years of business in the Bays2019-06-19T00:37:01+12:00

Coastal Walkways update

In May 2017, severe weather battered this area and damaged dozens of local walkways and coastal paths, including Lotus walkway (at the northern most point of Browns Bay beach) and Crows Nest Rise walkway (on the clifftop between Murrays Bay and Mairangi Bay.) ShoreLines contacted John Schermbrucker, Auckland County Council's community facilities head of [...]

Coastal Walkways update2019-06-19T00:37:32+12:00

The brewery in our backyard that is taking over the world

It began in 2011 with a couple of local lads who enjoyed making beer in their garage – and now Deep Creek Brewing has flourished into an award-winning, world-class craft brewery. "Paul and Jarred were the main guys behind the business," says Deep Creek's marketing director, Scott Taylor. "They'd won a few home brew [...]

The brewery in our backyard that is taking over the world2019-06-19T00:38:23+12:00
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