Rotary Trees for Survival – Update

In late August it was time for Rotary Club of Browns Bay to help the children of Pinehill School with the next phase of their Trees for Survival project around Kaukapakapa. Flaxes were going into the lower wetlands and manuka onto the slopes. The weather gods did not initially smile on these worthy endeavours [...]

Rotary Trees for Survival – Update2019-06-17T01:52:58+12:00

“There isn’t a question we haven’t heard!” The varied and valuable work of the Citizen’s Advice Bureau

Citizen's Advice Bureaus (CABs) began in England just before the Second World War to help people cope with the trauma and confusion caused by the conflict. Initially they were places that people could go to for help tracing missing relatives in bombed areas or learning about new wartime regulations. By peacetime, CABs had become [...]

“There isn’t a question we haven’t heard!” The varied and valuable work of the Citizen’s Advice Bureau2019-06-19T00:49:38+12:00

How Browns Bay’s Sunday market is saving lives at sea

Browns Bay's second hand market is always bustling with visitors, eager to snap up a quirky artefact or must-have bargain. But what many people may not know is that the market is a registered charity, and its primary purpose is as a fundraiser for Coastguard North Shore and other projects within the local community. [...]

How Browns Bay’s Sunday market is saving lives at sea2019-05-23T01:16:16+12:00

The Future of the Village Centre

THE NATIONAL PERSPECTIVE Research by NZ Post recently found that New Zealanders spent $3.6 billion online in 2017, with the average online shopper spending more than $2,350 annually. The report also found that local retailers' online revenues increased by 9% - outstripping growth in "bricks and mortar" sales.* What is the future of the [...]

The Future of the Village Centre2019-06-19T00:54:08+12:00
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