Browns Bay Business Association

The Browns Bay Business Association Incorporated (BBBA) is an incorporated society set up democratically in 1955 by local business people with the goal of achieving economic prosperity for the Browns Bay Business Improvement District (BID). BBBA is governed by a Constitution and operates within the framework of the Auckland Council BID Policy 2022.

BBBA is run by an elected Executive Committee of up to eleven voting members of volunteer business people who are elected by the BID Members each year at the Annual General Meeting. The Executive Committee is responsible for the governance and overall direction of BBBA, representing the business association registered members, and working with Browns Bay stakeholders to make the town centre a great place to do business, shop, live, eat and play. BBBA represents and supports over 270 businesses and 160 commercial property owners.

Funding for BBBA to operate is via a BID Targeted Rate Grant, which is paid by every commercial property located within the BID. Auckland Council collects the BID Targeted Rate and distributes  100% of what is collected to BBBA on a quarterly basis. Additional funding from other sources, such as Hibiscus and Bays Local Board grants, Four Winds Foundation and the Lion Foundation, may also be sought for events and projects.

BBBA is managed by a part-time Town Centre Manager under the guidance and instruction of the Executive Committee. The role is to implement Browns Bay’s Strategic and Business Plans.

Strategic Plan

Our Vision

To be a vibrant, safe and community-orientated town centre that celebrates its beachside connection, whilst providing for the needs and wants of the local community, its visitors and the surrounding areas.

Local businesses and property owners collaborate to deliver economic activities that provide value to the business community.


The Constitution contains the rules that the Browns Bay Business Association must follow whilst implementing its Strategic Plan.

Annual General Meetings

All member and affiliate member businesses, commercial landlords and other stakeholders of the BID are welcome to attend the AGMs, which are held each year in October. A notice of the AGM will be distributed to our database prior to the meeting.

Please contact the Town Centre Manager for more information.

Monthly Executive Committee Meetings

Meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 6.00pm, except in January. Members and affiliate members are welcome to attend and obtain minutes of the meetings.

Please contact Town Centre Manager if you wish to attend a meeting, request minutes, or have any ideas, comments or questions.

AGM 2023

AGM 2021

The Browns Bay Business Association

Who qualifies to register as a Member of the business association?

If your business premises are located on or within the red line on the BID map, you are already a BID affiliate. That is, you pay the BID targeted rate either directly as a business rate payer or property owner, or indirectly as a business owner or commercial tenant. You are entitled to become a voting member of BBBA and are encouraged to do so as this gives you the opportunity to vote on important matters concerning the commercial area of Browns Bay.

Contact the Town Centre Manager if you would like to discuss becoming a full member.

Download and complete the Member Application Form and email it to  We will contact you upon receiving it.

If your business is not located within the BID boundary, you can still become involved as an Associate Member who operates close to the BID area and contributes to the development of Browns Bay’s commercial area in some way.

In order to be fair to BID targeted rate payers, there is an annual subscription fee of $260 + GST to be an Associate Member. Contact Town Centre Manager for more information.

Introducing your Town Centre Manager

Kim Murdoch

Kim Murdoch was appointed in March 2020 after being a member of the Executive Committee for almost two years. Kim’s qualifications and career experience in marketing, communications and management, position her ideally to collaborate with local businesses and Browns Bay stakeholders for the good of the town centre and wider community. Kim enjoys working alongside our business owners and managers, getting to know their individual needs, and advocating for them. She can be seen around the town daily, and takes a hands-on approach as a Browns Bay business owner and resident with a passion for her home town.

Contacting Kim:


Mob: 022 047 9740

Kim Murdoch

Board Members

Name Position Business
Lara Kamionka Chair The Meat Room
Bruce Taylor Vice Chair Pages Design & Print
Sharon Running (non-voting) Treasurer Robinson & Running Ltd
Philippa Munro Robinson & Running Ltd
Gerhard Augenstein Augenstein’s Jewellers & Watchmakers
Grant O’Donoghue Safe Drive Vehicle Testing
Niki Leishman Stihl Shop
Malcolm McDonald Assoc. Member Staycold Ltd
Sean Brandon Assoc. Member RDM Roof Design & Management
Gregg Walden (non-voting) Hibiscus and Bays Local Board Representative
Kim Murdoch (non-voting) Secretary

Have a question to ask?