In late August it was time for Rotary Club of Browns Bay to help the children of Pinehill School with the next phase of their Trees for Survival project around Kaukapakapa. Flaxes were going into the lower wetlands and manuka onto the slopes. The weather gods did not initially smile on these worthy endeavours so it was a fairly soggy trudge to the planting areas.

It was the first time that some of the youngsters had used a spade but they enthusiastically got stuck in! By morning tea, the sun was shining, and there were some muddy but very satisfied volunteers. In total, about 1,000 seedlings were planted over three hours, and there was already excited chatter about next year’s project. For more information about Trees for Survival, visit

Rotary Club of Browns Bay meets at the Bays Club at 7.00 am on the first and third Tuesday of every month. They regularly host some excellent guest speakers, such as Mark Crysell, TVNZ’s current affairs editor, on 20th November.

If you’d like to know more about Rotary, please visit

(First published and permission to post by ShoreLines Magazine)