Whale Tales 2022

Thanks to the voters who helped to select the design of a beautiful piece of art which could eventually become part of Browns Bay’s landscape. The Whale Tales 2022 art trail will showcase 100 uniquely designed whale tail sculptures throughout Auckland for 10 weeks. This event is run by WWF-New Zealand, in partnership with Wild [...]

Whale Tales 20222021-03-03T18:09:42+12:00

Coronavirus: Looking after our own backyard

An update from Kim Murdoch, Town Centre Manager. The world is in the throes of a pandemic that hits at the heart of us all. These are unusual and worrying times that will have lasting effects on every level. Will our elderly parents come through unscathed? Will our small local businesses survive? How long [...]

Coronavirus: Looking after our own backyard2020-04-14T14:09:27+12:00

The beachfront of the future? La playa del futuro?

The beachfront of the future? Could Spanish design innovation inspire a solution to the village's car parking conundrum – and reinvigorate the heart of the town? After reading the article about Browns Bay's wharf in the Feb/March issue of ShoreLines, Anne and Rick Dezoete contacted the magazine, saying: Yes, to a wharf [...]

The beachfront of the future? La playa del futuro?2020-04-03T16:13:26+12:00

A deeper dive into Safeswim

Why might "high risk" warnings be placed on our local beaches? What does it mean when a site is tagged with a red pin? And, where can residents find out more about beach conditions in the Bays? Safeswim is a partnership between Auckland Council, Watercare, Surf Life Saving Northern Region and the Auckland Regional [...]

A deeper dive into Safeswim2020-04-03T11:00:14+12:00

Glenvar Rd and East Coast Rd improvements

ShoreLines asked Hibiscus and Bays Local Board members, Julia Parfitt and Alexis Poppelbaum for an update on this important roading project. After significant pressure from the community, Julia Parfitt and local MP Erica Stanford, a $45.6M upgrade to Glenvar Road is due to start in 2022. Late last year Auckland Transport (AT) consulted with [...]

Glenvar Rd and East Coast Rd improvements2020-04-03T10:41:20+12:00

Winner of the Hello World Competition

Congratulations to Helen (shopped at Shoe Talk) and Derrick (shopped at Augensteins) for winning $2000 worth of Travel each — thanks to the Browns Bay Business Association, New World and especially Hello World Browns Bay.

Winner of the Hello World Competition2019-08-19T04:51:36+12:00

50 years of business in the Bays

Recollections of Corinne and Adrianne Lawrence The Lawrence family have been local business owners for five decades. In 1966, George and Marilyn Lawrence bought their first home in Browns Bay to later raise their two daughters, Corinne and Adrianne. At this time they started Lawrence Trade Pressing, located where the Bays Club is today. [...]

50 years of business in the Bays2019-06-19T00:37:01+12:00

Coastal Walkways update

In May 2017, severe weather battered this area and damaged dozens of local walkways and coastal paths, including Lotus walkway (at the northern most point of Browns Bay beach) and Crows Nest Rise walkway (on the clifftop between Murrays Bay and Mairangi Bay.) ShoreLines contacted John Schermbrucker, Auckland County Council's community facilities head of [...]

Coastal Walkways update2019-06-19T00:37:32+12:00

Better Blokes – Men supporting men

Sadly, many intimate relationships aren't happy and healthy. Worse still, many aren't even consensual. Better Blokes is a registered charity offering peer to peer support for men recovering from emotional, verbal, physical or sexual harm. The society's overall goal is to free present and future generations from the effects of childhood emotional, mental, verbal, [...]

Better Blokes – Men supporting men2022-07-11T08:27:12+12:00
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