About Kim Murdoch

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So far Kim Murdoch has created 25 blog entries.
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Whale Tail Sculpture Comes to Browns Bay

The next leg of the journey for the whale tail entitled 'Where You Belong - Ocean Series' has begun. Now that internationally renowned local artist Jane Mason Studios has finished painting the sculpture, the local community can enjoy this unique piece of artwork created specifically for our town. It is on display in the empty [...]

Whale Tail Sculpture Comes to Browns Bay2023-02-13T10:52:38+12:00

Winners of the SHOP LOCAL for Mother’s Day Promotion

Thanks to everyone who entered the SHOP LOCAL for MOTHER'S DAY promotion. It was a bumper competition with over 4,200 entries. Here are the five lucky winners: CHRISTIANE FEVRE - Friday flo cardi, Namaskar silk scarf, and a Louenhide handbag to the value of $300 from Bath Boutique. Winning ticket from Augenstein's Jewellers & Watch [...]

Winners of the SHOP LOCAL for Mother’s Day Promotion2023-02-13T10:52:47+12:00

Welcome to The Clyde

John and Pauline Purdon moved from Glasgow to Rothesay Bay in 1997. As the new owners of The Clyde (formerly Velvet Gypsy) they arguably offer customers the best of both worlds:  high professional standards (honed during more than 30 years in corporate) combined with warm Scottish hospitality. "We want our patrons to enjoy an old-fashioned, [...]

Welcome to The Clyde2020-06-17T16:23:15+12:00

Whale Tales 2022

Thanks to the voters who helped to select the design of a beautiful piece of art which could eventually become part of Browns Bay’s landscape. The Whale Tales 2022 art trail will showcase 100 uniquely designed whale tail sculptures throughout Auckland for 10 weeks. This event is run by WWF-New Zealand, in partnership with Wild [...]

Whale Tales 20222021-03-03T18:09:42+12:00
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