The next leg of the journey for the whale tail entitled ‘Where You Belong – Ocean Series‘ has begun.
Now that internationally renowned local artist Jane Mason Studios has finished painting the sculpture, the local community can enjoy this unique piece of artwork created specifically for our town. It is on display in the empty shop next door to Starbucks Browns Bay at 55 Clyde Road (at the south-bound bus stop), and can be viewed from 17 May 2021 for several weeks before it is relocated to East Coast Bays Library, upon completion of its renovation, in August.
The Browns Bay whale tail is one of 100 tails being created for the ‘Whale Tales’ art trail, which is coming to Tāmaki Makaurau in January 2022! This truly fin-tastic exhibition, celebrating Aotearoa, art and marine conservation, will guide visitors around the City of Sails from 24 January 2022 until 18 April 2022. The 100 tails are designed by 100 artists to tell 100 tales for one critical mission: to help protect and restore the mauri (life force) of our Ocean. The entire region will benefit from this exciting public art display.
Incredible artists from around Aotearoa are bringing the tails to life in their own unique way. Each sculpture, inspired by Hauraki Gulf resident Bryde’s Whale, tells the tale of the Auckland region, its communities, and marine conservation, particularly of the magically diverse Hauraki Gulf. Pronounced Broo-dus, they reside in the coastal waters around the Hauraki Gulf/Tīikapa Moana/Te Moana Nui a Toi. Unfortunately, the Bryde’s Whale is now classified as threatened – nationally critical. They feed and rest close to the surface, making them vulnerable to ship strikes. Other threats they face come from noise pollution, reductions in food and habitat, climate change, unsustainable fishing practices, and other human activities in the ocean.
‘Whale Tales’ is presented by WWF-New Zealand and Wild in Art, and made possible through the support of Auckland Unlimited. One of the 100 tail sculptures will be displayed here in Browns Bay. Once the trail closes, the sculptures will be auctioned, and the proceeds will go towards WWF’s vital mission to protect and restore the mauri (life force) of our ocean, particularly in and around the Hauraki Gulf.
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