Browns Bay holds several free community events and ‘Shop Local’ promotions each year to involve the community, and thank them for their loyal patronage of local businesses, as well as enticing visitors from further afield.

We are very proud of two signature events that continue to grow exponentially. The first is the Browns Bay Christmas Parade, otherwise known as ‘the biggest little Christmas Parade in Auckland’. It attracts up to 30,000 visitors, and is an amazing way to acknowledge the arrival of the festive season at the seaside. The other signature event is Summer Spectacular, which happens at the height of Summer on the Browns Bay summer beach reserve as a celebration of our beautiful beach and it close connectivity with the town centre.

Visit us here again to see details of our up and coming events and promotions.

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Dog Day Out

April 29, 2023 @ 9:00 am 2:00 pm UTC+12

Browns Bay is at the top of the list of dog-friendly destinations on the North Shore. Our sandy beach is a paradise for pooches. Furry friends can visit some of our great cafes, and there’s no shortage of doggy drink bowls and friendly folks around the town centre who are keen to pat your pooch .

So it’s no surprise that the newest event on our calendar this year is ‘Dog Day Out’. We’re so excited to bring this event to Browns Bay in conjunction with organiser Sunshine Events. There’ll be workshops to dip your paws into, market stalls brimming with the latest pup fashions and products, doggy training and nutrition tips… plus lots more!

This is a FREE family-friendly event for all, including, workshops and dog runway. Bring your furry friends for a great day out, and leave time for a feast at one of our amazing dog-friendly eateries in town.

You can book your spot on the runway at the event – best paw forward! Limited spaces. Prizes will be awarded afterwards.

Live music and spot prizes throughout the event.

Phoenix Plaza and the beachfront boardwalk are not fenced off areas, and there will be dogs of all ages and sizes. We appreciate you keeping your fur baby on their lead.

Watch this space for more details as the event date draws nearer.

Proudly sponsored by Browns Bay businesses.

For stall bookings & information please email sunshineeventsnz

Kim Murdoch

022 0479740

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