Browns Bay holds several free community events and ‘Shop Local’ promotions each year to involve the community, and thank them for their loyal patronage of local businesses, as well as enticing visitors from further afield.

We are very proud of two signature events that continue to grow exponentially. The first is the Browns Bay Christmas Parade, otherwise known as ‘the biggest little Christmas Parade in Auckland’. It attracts up to 30,000 visitors, and is an amazing way to acknowledge the arrival of the festive season at the seaside. The other signature event is Summer Spectacular, which happens at the height of Summer on the Browns Bay summer beach reserve as a celebration of our beautiful beach and it close connectivity with the town centre.

Visit us here again to see details of our up and coming events and promotions.

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Movies at the Beach


April 15, 2023 @ 5:00 pm 9:00 pm UTC+12

Bring your family and friends, picnic, picnic blanket, bottle of bubbles and cooler of beers down to the Browns Bay Beach Reserve on Beach Front Lane for free movies. Take in two absolute favourites under the stars.

First up for the kids at 5pm – the original SHREK movie, followed by a classic sing-along and boogie favourite – MAMA MIA! THE MOVIE at 7pm.

Grab your picnic or takeaways from our extensive selection of local food establishments and huddle up under a gorgeous summer sky to enjoy movies on the giant screen in a magical seaside setting.

We support smokefree and thank you for not smoking during the event for everyone’s comfort. We also ask that you take your rubbish home to dispose of.

This event is brought to you by Browns Bay businesses with generous funding from Hibiscus & Bays Local Board. We encourage you to support Browns Bay shops and businesses as a small thank you.

Kim Murdoch


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